our vision:
Equipping a young generation to help restore the family structure to God’s design as the safe space where flourishing individuals are raised.
what we do:
By providing individuals and families with tools for improving and developing relationships, communication skills, and emotional intelligence, we help them strengthen connections, fulfill their potential, and discover their true identity.
We make use of a variety of programmes, tests & facilitation methods to offer the following:
- Workshops
- Talks
- Communication Facilitation (families & individuals)
Current Projects
Journey Together
Child and youth care centres (children’s homes) are only able to support kids until they leave school or turn 18. Many of these school leavers face an uncertain future with a lack of skills, support or opportunities to build a life for themselves on their own. Some even end up back on the streets. Journey Together is a programme designed to equip and mentor these children in preparation for the next phase of their life.
make a contribution
Sponsor a child on the Journey Together programme, make a once off contribution, or find out how you can contribute to restoring flourishing families in SA.